About Design Expo
The UM-SJTU Joint Institute Design Expo showcasesundergraduate projects of JI’s design-based courses, especially the ECE/ME/MSE4500Jcapstone design course. It shows the actual learning outcomes of the students,and provides an opportunity to practice their ability to demonstrate theprototypes or applications on the spot. The Design Expo with 14 years’ historyhas become a comprehensive platform to demonstrate the practice andeffectiveness of education reform at UM-SJTU Joint Institute.
ECE4500J. Major Design Experience & ME4500J. Design and Manufacture III
Give eachstudent a deep understanding of how to approach open-endedchallenges by process, and to learn how to innovate and apply the seeminglyfragmented engineering knowledge acquired at JI to the design and manufacturingof real mechanical, mechatronic or electrical/computer systems.
ECE4270J. VLSI Design I
The coursedelves into the design techniques essential for the efficient implementation ofvery large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. The curriculum commences with areview of the fundamentals of CMOS technology and logic circuits. It progressesto encompass topics such as timing analysis, low-power design, testability,architectural considerations, and high-speed communication. A final projectprovides students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge of VLSI topractical, hands-on designs.
ECE4730J. Advanced EmbeddedSystems
Lectures,experiments, and projects are designed to introduce the student to the basicshardware, software and algorithms of embedded systems. Topics may include powersupply, hardware, software hardware interface, embedded operating system, andembedded system applications. Report writing and team-building skills are alsoimportant in this course.
ENGR4903J.Undergraduate Research Course
TheUndergraduate Research Courses provide undergraduate students opportunities towork with individual faculty members on their research projects. The courseallows students to engage in scientific research early during theirundergraduate study, and to get prepared for their future academic career inselected engineering fields.
ME4950J. Laboratory II
Involvesstudents in the design, construction, and operation of extended experimentalprojects related to mechanical systems, supplemented by weekly lectures intheoretical and applied experimental methods, and technical communication. Project topics may include controls, heattransfer, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, mechanics, materials, and dynamicalsystems. The course emphasizes research report writing, oral presentations,team-building skills, and design of experiments.
ENGR1000J. Introductionto Engineering
Introduces students to the professional technical andcommunication skills required of engineers and provides them with an overviewof engineering at the beginning of their program. An important component of thecourse is the real-world engineering projects.Team Members
Tel: 021-34206045 ext. 3151
JI Longbin Building, No.800 Dongchuan Rd
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Min Hang Campus