Text Spraying Mobile Car

指导老师:Mian Li创建者:吴佳昀

Due to advancements in urbanization, the demand fortext-spraying has notably surged. This technique is crucial in advertising, slogan display, and venue decoration, making it vital for government, businessowners, event planners, as well as urban developers.

However, current solutions for thetext-spraying process——manual labor and robotic vehicleapplications, present several notable challenges. For manual labor, thechemicals contained within the paint can pose significant health risks to humanoperators and the quality of the output is often heavily reliant on theoperator's skill and physical condition. Robotic paint-spraying systems, whilemitigating some of these issues, have their own limitations. They fail to meetthe needs for personalized text-spraying tasks, and their size and weightrestrict their flexibility and usability to certain contexts. Thus, the aim ofthis project is to develop a text-spraying mobile car to improve health safety,ensure high-quality outcomes, cater to individualized text-sprayingrequirements, and enhance operational flexibility.

First, we redesign and assemble thepaint spraying module for precise control of flow. Second, we develop themotion platform for consistency and quality in spraying. Then, we create theDot Matrix Algorithm for precise text spraying to enhance specialized needs. Finally, we establish the mobility unit for enhanced operational capabilities.

After completing these tasks, oursystem now performs the following functions: (1) automaticallyachieving precise nozzle location, (2) controlling the flow and amount of paintoutput, (3) spraying in accordance with input text, (4) moving horizontally toenable multiple spraying.

In conclusion, our system cansuccessfully achieve the text-spraying process, delivering high-quality resultstailored to personalized needs, while minimizing health risks. Furthermore, by proportionally scaling up themachinery, it can accomplish the precise spraying of more intricate patterns. This provides a more versatile and efficient tool to produce advertisements andartwork.