Aeroelasticity of Different Roofs Design of Shanghai World Financial Center Building

指导老师:Kwee-Yan Teh创建者:明宛萱

The aeroelastic characteristics ofhigh-rise buildings under wind-induced deformation, particularly concerningdifferent roof geometries, are not well understood. This study presents theresults of an experimental protocol designed to quantify the effect of anopening on the aeroelastic behavior of Shanghai World Financial Centerbuilding, by using a rigid model and comparing scenarios with and without anopening under varying wind speeds and wind directions. Wind test on the 820:1ratio 3D printed Shanghai World Financial Center models with and withoutopening are carried out under different wind speeds measured by anemometer andimpact angles (0o and 45o).Vibration data sets (displacement, velocity) are captured by scanning laserdoppler vibrometry(SLDV). The fftdiagram suggests that the model withopening lowers the vibration frequency and there’s nodifference in impact testing and wind forcedvibration, while the model without opening hashigher vibration frequency and drift when forced bythe wind. The quality factor of the model withoutthe opening is lower, indicating that the modelis more likely to resonate under a wider spectrumof wind speed. The displacement data is unsteady due to the industrial fan and the data is smoothed using envelope. The model with openingare high in displacement and acceleration, inboth wind directions. Both models are bothmore responsive when the wind is blown in 45o direction.It is concluded that the opening design is a tradeoff between frequency and amplitude ofvibration.