App & Database Design & Development of JI University - Industry Capstone Project

指导老师:Chengbin Ma创建者:杨雨昕

Over the past decade, JI has accumulated over 600 capstoneprojects, spread across various sources and formats. Some of the project materials are scatteredon the webpage, while others are stored in physical form in relevant offices. Thisdecentralized storage has led to significant challenges in locating, accessing,and analyzing project data effectively. Faculty, students, and industrysponsors often struggle to find specific files, which hinders academic andresearch activities.

To solve this problem, our project aims to develop aunified, scalable database system. This system will centralize all capstoneproject data, making it easily accessible through an intuitive interface. Ourgoal is to enable users to search for files using precise criteria such asproject name, participant, or company name, thereby improving data managementand usability. Our system mainly consists of two parts, front-end interfacedesign and back-end database design. We have focused on developing login systemand search engine functions in the front-end. For login, there are five typesof users in the system: guest, who can see all public files; student, who canupload files; sponsor, who can access public files and the files belong totheir faculty; faculty, who can access all files and see statistical analysisand the administrator account. After logging into the website, users will seeall public projects and all sponsor companies, as well as their sponsoredprojects and responsible mentors. Then user can use search engines to searchfor desired information. Our search engine provides rich categories andautocompletes input content for user convenience. For backend database design,we use SQL database and use queries for data indexing and analysis, the analysisresults are presented to users in data visualization.

By integrating all this data into a single, well-organizedplatform, we aim to enhance the efficiency of accessing and analyzing capstoneprojects. This project not only addresses immediate data management issues butalso sets the stage for future enhancements and better collaboration between JI and its industry partners. In the future, this database still hasgreat potential for utilization, as it can continuously import future projectmaterials and apply existing functions to the imported data. Moreover,developers can directly add new features based on this design, such asdeveloping a scoring system for mentors, using image recognition technology tocapture posters and obtain corresponding information, and so on. Our design willcontribute sustainably to the construction of the JI capstone project system.