Wireless Engineering Vehicle Diagnose Flashing Tool

指导老师:Chengbin Ma创建者:徐昊骏

Nowadays, vehicles have become an essential part of daily life and are used extensively. To diagnose vehicles, engineers have to connect their computer to the OBD(on-board diagnostic) interface on the car using a wire, sitting in the driving cab. Thispractical is quite inconvenient. Considering that wireless connection technology is nowadvanced and thriving, we come up with the idea of developing a wireless engineeringvehicle diagnose flashing tool. The existing problems in current wireless diagnose systemsinclude low data reliability, high energy consumption and transfer latency issues. In thisproject, we are going to design a wireless vehicle diagnose tool that enables a reliableand efficient data transfer and saves energy as well on the basis of achieving fundamentalfunctions of vehicle diagnosis. Vehicle diagnosis data will be first received and stored by amicro-controller and then sent to computer through wireless communication. Sleep modeof microcontroller will be implemented to help save energy. Data transfer rate, deviceresponse time and signal transmission delay are important specifications to guarantee astable and reliable data transfer and reduce response latency. We will follow at each milestone to complete identify, define, design, optimization and validation part of our project.The outcome is expected to be a complete wireless engineering vehicle diagnose flashingtool that is capable of stable and reliable diagnostic data transmission with low latencyand low energy consumption.
